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Welcome to the 2025 Spring SRYSA Volleyball season.

Registration is for girls in grades 3rd-6th.  

Registration ends Sunday, January 19th.​






SRYSA volleyball registration is open and will close on Sunday, January 19th. 

SRYSA volleyball registration is $60 per player. This price includes a warm-up shirt for the players. 

No late registrations will be allowed unless approved by the Commissioner.

There will be an additional registration and fees through SVAA. **Do NOT register with SVAA, or any other volleyball league until directed to do so by your coach. 


Division of Teams:

5th and 6th grade only (if there is more than 1 team): There will be one top team based on skill level, designated as the "Blue Team." All players not on the Blue Team will be evenly divided by skill level on teams by the by the head coaches in a snake draft format. There will be no "B" or "C" teams.

No player will be grandfathered onto a Blue Team from previous years. 

The number of players per team will vary by grade and will depend on the number of players registered.


Player Evaluations:

5th and 6th grade only (if there is more than 1 team): All players are required to participate in a one-hour evaluation prior to the division of teams.

Evaluations will be on January 21.

Evaluators will include the previous season’s head coaches or parents who have committed to be a head coach for this season s well as neutral evaluators (either SISD volunteers or parents who do not have kids in that particular evaluation pool).

Evaluations are mandatory. Any player that does not attend the evaluation or makeup evaluation will not be allowed to play on the Blue Team unless approved by the Commissioner.

Parents are not allowed in the gym during evaluations.



All teams will play through SVAA. The Blue team will be playing in a separate division through SVAA. 

*There will be a separate registration and fees due for SVAA, which will include jerseys, but do NOT register through SVAA until directed to do so. 



Head Coach: Email the commissioner if you would like to be a head coach.


Important Dates:

January 1- Registration Opens

January 19- Registration Closes

January 21- Evaluations (5:30-6:30 5th grade. 6:30-7:30 6th grade)

Week of March 2- Practices begin

March 22- Games begin

May 3- Games end

May 10- End of season tournament for 5-6th grade only




The SRYSA Volleyball Commissioner, Christina Adamson,

can be contacted with any questions





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